
Let’s Start Over

Welcome to my new beginnings. I have started a few goals for myself. The year is almost over and it’s been one dead drop after another. I decided to take up a new hobby… writing. The reason for starting this hobby is to keep me consistent and accountable. While working through the aftermath of all the destructive monumental experiences life is hitting me with these years.

I hope you enjoy my journey with me and partake with encouraging comments and enlightening thoughts. I’ll try my best to answer the relevant comments best of my ability. So the categories to start with are “Questions” that I share on social media platforms for anyone to share their thoughts. I’ll also share my “Epiphanies” as they transpire and inspire me to post. Lastly, just “Random Thoughts” and stuff that come to mind as I set forth through this portal called life.

I’ll also share pictures, videos, poems, quotes, and more. I’m not that consistent but that’s the purpose of this blog as I explained earlier. Follow me on social media to get more of my wild mind’s eye. Well, I can’t wait to reflect on this site in three months from now. Oh yea, that’ll be my quarterly report card part of my plan of action. More to come on that in the next post.